Milma sues online news channel for airing baseless report

Thiruvananthapuram, April 22: Milma has initiated legal action against a YouTube news channel for carrying a totally baseless report alleging that its premium brand of liquid milk has been laced with harmful chemicals to extend its shelf life without being spoiled by the searing summer heat.
This report, suggesting that Milma milk remained without getting spoiled even after ten days of purchase, is completely “unfounded and ill-motivated,” and aimed at sullying the image of Kerala’s most trusted dairy brand that reaches millions of homes every day, Kerala Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation (KCMMF), known by the brand Milma, said in a statement.
It has been clearly recorded on Milma’s milk sachet, that the use-by-date is up to two days after packaging.The use-by-date indicates that if milk is kept in cool condition, the original quality and fragrance of milk is retained till that date. It is normal for milk to lose its quality and flavour if kept in normal temperature. At the same time, if milk is kept in a desirable temperature of 4 to 5 celsius, it will not get split when warmed up even after days beyond the use-by-date. However, the natural flavour and smell of milk need not necessarily be protected by doing this. The news channel in its report has completely overlooked these basic facts.
Milma lays the highest emphasis on quality and its processes follow the best practices laid down for the dairy industry by competent regulatory agencies.
The quality control division of Milma takes extra care to ensure that all due parameters are strictly adhered to before distribution of its liquid milk and all other dairy products.
“Quality and customer trust are the two strong pillars on which Milma’s credibility and success stand,” it said
“Also, Milma is a leading dairy co-operative of the country that stands for the welfare of lakhs of dairy farmers, associated with primary milk co-operative societies across the state under its three regional unions,” it added.