Socius Innovative opens office at Technopark Phase-1

Thiruvananthapuram, Mar. 26: Socius Innovative Global Brains, a fast-growing multinational technology service provider in the Enterprise Resource Planning sector, has expanded its operations to Technopark’s main campus (Phase-1) here, in addition to its current working space at Phase-3 of the IT Park.
Socius Innovative Global Brains, which has been functioning at Technopark (Phase-3), has its new office on the first floor of the Pamba Building at Phase-1.
Having clientele spanned across USA, Canada , Europe, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore, within a short span of time the company was able to open offices in Europe, US and Bengaluru, said Mr Gokul Nath A V, CEO and Mrs Sreena S Kurup, COO, who are also its founders.
Commenting on the future plans, the Management said the company will create more than 100 jobs soon by leveraging the possibilities of artificial intelligence (AI) in Enterprise Resource Planning sector.
They also recalled the stupendous support provided by the IT Department of Kerala and Technopark ever since the company’s inception.
Col Sanjeev Nair (Retd), CEO, Technopark (second from left) along with Mr Gokul Nath A V, CEO, Socius Innovative Global Brains and Mrs Sreena S Kurup, COO, during the opening of new office of the company at Technopark Phase-1. (Extreme right) Shri Madhavan Praveen, General Manager (Projects), Technopark, is also seen.