KSUM invites applications from IEDCs to start incubation facilities.

Kerala Startup Mission (KSUM) has invited applications from Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Centres (IEDCs) to establish incubation facilities, continuing with its efforts to develop an institutional mechanism that fosters businesses in technology.
Submissions can be made https://bit.ly/3upH9AL on or before June 10. Proposals documents can be submitted at https://bit.ly/3uxej1v.
The programme is part of the government-run KSUM’s aim of creating a vibrant startup ecosystem that promotes the growth of innovation-led technology entrepreneurship by supporting all the strata of society. Centering around colleges, IEDCs encourage ideas that can be turned into business so as to boost gainful employment.
IEDCs under KSUM can apply for the project, which seeks to upgrade IEDCs to incubators to support the young innovators from the institution and make the centres self-sustained.
The project also provides platform for speedy commercialization of technologies developed by the host institution or by any academic/technical/R&D institution or by an individual. It aims to build a vibrant startup ecosystem by establishing a network between academia, financial institutions, industries and other institutions.